Create integrations between Notion and any other apps to automate any workflow

Create integrations between Notion and any other apps to automate any workflow

Create integrations between Notion and any other apps to automate any workflow

Start with email

Start with email

Start with email

Start with Google
Start with Google

Create your first workflow

Create your
first workflow

Write new Notion database item from new Airtable Item using AI

Add new Salesforce records to Notion databases

Try it

Try it

Try it

Designate triggers and actions for your AI workflows

Designate triggers and actions for your AI workflows

Say you want to send a slack message every time someone fills out a Typeform form. The trigger is a new typeform response. 

Say you want to send a slack message every time someone fills out a Typeform form. The trigger is a new typeform response. 

Designate triggers and actions for your AI workflows

Say you want to send a slack message every time someone fills out a Typeform form. The trigger is a new typeform response. 

Leverage AI through no-code builder

Leverage AI through no-code builder

Leverage the full flexibility of VectorShift’s drag and drop workflow components to build powerful and bespoke AI workflows. 

Leverage the full flexibility of VectorShift’s drag and drop workflow components to build powerful and bespoke AI workflows. 

Schedule workflows like CRON jobs

Schedule workflows to run at certain time intervals or allow defined triggers (e.g., email, slack message, typeform message) to start a pipeline run.  

We perform
actionable events

We perform
actionable events

Say you want to send a slack message every time someone fills out a Typeform form. The action is sending a slack message. 

Say you want to send a slack message every time someone fills out a Typeform form. The action is sending a slack message. 


Configure a pipeline to perform actions across your tools and data (e.g., send a slack message, write a Notion document, add airtable data). 

Integrations and automations

and automations

and automations

Empowering Communication: Next-Gen AI Text Processing


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try notion automation now for your data...


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try Salesforce automation now for your data...


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try Airtable automation now for your data...


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try Slack automation now for your data...


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try Hubspot automation now for your data...


A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. Try OneDrive automation now for your data...

VectorShift Docs

Unlock advanced features and detailed guides in our extensive documentation.

from vectorshift.node import *

from vectorshift.pipeline import *

file_node = InputNode(name='file_input', input_type='file')

model_text_node = TextNode(text='Describe this file to me.')

llm_node = OpenAI_LLMNode(





output_node = OutputNode(





VectorShift Docs

Unlock advanced features and detailed guides in our extensive documentation.

from vectorshift.node import *

from vectorshift.pipeline import *

file_node = InputNode(name='file_input', input_type='file')

model_text_node = TextNode(text='Describe this file to me.')

llm_node = OpenAI_LLMNode(





output_node = OutputNode(





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Get started today

Get started today

Get started today

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© 2023 VectorShift, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

© 2023 VectorShift, Inc. All Rights Reserved.